
Allows you to change advanced options in the FTP Client plugin.


Size limit for memory cache
Specify the size limit for the memory cache in kilobytes. The memory cache is used for storing of listings (lists of files and directories) of visited paths on FTP servers. See Use cache for viewed files and lists of files and directories on server (faster browsing) in Configuration/Defaults for details.
Timeout for network actions
Set the timeout for waiting for response from FTP server, resolving IP address from name address, and other network actions.
Delay between connect retries and Number of connect retries
If the connection to the FTP server is lost (e.g. due to some network failure) during some operation, the plugin tries to reconnect to the server and to finish the operation. Specify here how long to wait before next connect attempt and maximum number of connect attempts (when exhausted, error is reported).
Cancel data connection if it is idle for XXX seconds
The FTP server is transferring data to or from the FTP client over a data connection. It happens sometimes (e.g. due to some network failure) that data are no longer transferred over this connection but no error is reported to the FTP client. The plugin detects these failures by monitoring the data connection. If it is idle (without transfer) for longer time than specified, the plugin closes the connection to the FTP server and tries to reconnect and finish operation with fresh connection.
Try to resume copying only if already copied part of file is at least XXX bytes and Number of bytes to verify (at end of file) when resuming copying from server
If the connection to the FTP server is lost (e.g. due to some network failure) during copying of a file to or from the server, the plugin tries to reconnect to the server and resume copying (if it is specified in the configuration, see Configuration/Operations 1 and Configuration/Operations 2). When resuming, there is always some potential risk that file will not be resumed correctly (due to some error in server or client software). To reduce this risk, the plugin does not resume copying if the already copied part of the file is smaller than specified limit (it starts copying of the whole file in such cases). Moreover when copying from the server to the local machine (or network), the plugin verifies specified number of bytes at the end of already copied part of the file (it downloads end part of file again to check if download will be resumed correctly). If this verification fails, the plugin offers you to cut off the end of already copied part of the file and try to resume copying again.