Compare Directories

Use this dialog to set criteria for comparing directories in the left and right panels. Comparing starts with canceling selection in both panels and selecting files existing only in one panel.

Dialog Box Options

Compare files with same name by
When checked, bigger files will be selected. Otherwise files are not compared by size.
Date and time
When checked, newer files will be selected. Otherwise files are not compared by time.
When checked, files with different attributes will be selected in both panels. Otherwise, files are not compared by attributes.
When checked, files with different contents will be selected in both panels. Otherwise, files are not compared by content.
Subdirectories options
Compare subdirectories
When checked, directories existing only in one panel will be selected and directories with different contents will be selected in both panels. Otherwise directories are ignored. Content of directories is compared using the criteria chosen in this dialog (e.g. file sizes are compared only if Size box is ticked).
Compare attributes of subdirectories
When checked, directories with different attributes will be selected in both panels. Otherwise, directories are not compared by attributes.
Select subdirectories contained only in one panel
When checked, directories existing only in one panel will be selected.
Other options
Ignore files
When checked, files matching the specified file mask will be ignored. If you want to filter files to compare (to ignore all other files), use excluded masks part of file mask (e.g. |*.cpp;*.h will ignore anything except *.cpp;*.h).
Ignore directories
When checked, directories matching the specified file mask will be ignored.

See Also

Comparing Directories